One of the Houses of Pleasure, this is above all a dionysian
cult, dedicated to sensual (but not sexual) pleasure. God is
worshiped as the God of Feasts and the provider of good things.
The house in fact carries out important functions in weights
and measures and food standards and hygiene, but its priesthood
is seen as pleasure-loving and gluttonous. Consequently, it is
not a well respected house. It is however a popular house,
operating a levy on the trade in foodstuffs (especially pitch
fees from the Food Market) and
providing sumptuous meals on a relatively arbitrary basis to
people invited in off the street (usually, but not exclusively,
the very poor). However this income is often collected in kind,
and the House is not wealthy.
Taynuic feasts with the
Obesity is almost a badge of office of priests of the
Stomach. They wear tentlike robes of red, green or (most
commonly) yellow cloth, girdled with a belt from which hangs a
flask of wine, and a satchel for food. These are ceremonial;
while the priest will eat and drink from, and offer others food
and drink from, both the satchel and the flask, neither must
ever be allowed to be empty (except momentarily while being
Death and Funerary Rites
The Stomach does not believe in an afterlife. It's view is that
this life is the Good Life offered by God, and that it is up to
each individual to make the best of it both for themselves and
for others. It is believed that the bodies of devotees of the
Stomach are eaten, although the rites involved are private.
Copyright (c)
Brooke 1992-1995
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