Demystifying Java for Intranets

Demystifying Java for Intranets

Subtext: Limiting proprietary exposure

'Those who will not learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them'

Simon Brooke

What I'm going to talk about

Background to the technology

What is an Intranet?

'Intranet' concept: history and background

or 'none of this is new' part one

Intranets: Open, heterogenous networks within organisations, carrying distributed hypertext

Project Xanadu, Ted Nelson 1960

Distributed hypertext over heterogenous networks

TCP/IP, Xerox PARC, 1970s

Transmission of data over unreliable networks of networks

HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, CERN, 1990

Distributed hypertext over heterogenous networks - much simpler than Xanadu

'Intranet', Sun Microsystems, 1995
Use of Internet technology for internal systems - coined to describe a concept already widespread

What is Java?

Java: history and background

or 'none of this is new' part two

Brief history of programming languages

LISP, John McCarthy, 1959
BCPL: Martin Richards, Cambridge University, 1969
C: Thompson & Richie, Bell Labs, 1972
Smalltalk, Goldberg, Kay and others, Xerox PARC, 1973
Oak: James Gosling, Sun Microsystems, 1990
Java: James Gosling et al, Sun Microsystems 1995
OAK plus Web browser renamed 'Java' and launched publicly by Sun
JDBC: Sun Microsystems 1996
Abstract database connectivity extensions to the standard Java classes

In summary:

Java and Intranet technology

Using Java in the organisation

Tickling the surface: up to the minute news in BT

'Ticker-tape' applet on British Telecom Intranet's front page collects current shareprice, up to the minute news headlines, and news release information automatically into one simple interface widget.

Cost to implement: about five man days, about £3,000.

Taking the plunge: Tracking customer orders at ScottishTelecom

Streamline: Background

NOTE: This is a prototype system, not yet deployed.

Streamline: the Solution [1]

ANSI SQL databse holds details of

Streamline: the Solution [2]

Servlets integrated into a Web server interrogate the database to produce interactive forms tailored to the individual user

Streamline: the Solution [3]

[Block Structure Diagram]

Streamline: the benefits

Streamline: how long it took

Plan said three people, one month...

... but I broke my back on day one.

In practice probably three man months, but spread over more time than planned.

Issues, lessons and problems

Stability and versions

Versions of Java

Less of a problem on an Intranet. If you can get everyone using at least a given version Java VM! On the Internet, assume version 1.0

Versions of your applications/applets

Importance of single (or mirrored) distribution directory.

Microsoft Java versus Pure Java



Vendor Independence: why does it matter?

Year 2000 problem:

Tools and Technologies

Tools for Java

The bottom line is that you should use Sun's JDK (or your local platform's equivalent) and the text editor of your choice. None of the available IDEs are worth what they cost. All will cause you more problems than they solve. Unless you enjoy paying to beta test products, there's no reason to purchase any of these products at this time.

source: FAQ

Applications, Applets and the Intranet

Servlets, Aglets, Beans...

'mini-servers' written in Java, runs within the context of a HTTP server
IBM proposal for roving agents
Java classes designed to be manipulated by graphical programming tools

Thin client or "Network Computer"


Conclusion: Java on the Intranet

'Those who will not learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them'


Java in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition
A really useable reference
Java Examples in a Nutshell : A Companion Volume to Java in a Nutshell
This is actually a very good tutorial, although that's not what it claims to be
Database Programming with JDBC and Java
Possibly the best book on the subject so far, but hard work
The Java Programming Language
A tutorial, and straight from the horse's mouth. But heavy going.
Web Sites
Java(tm) Home Page - UK Mirror
Sun's Java site
The official source for Java documentation.
The major source for free and commercial Java software components
The Java Lobby - voluntary Java standards group
IBM's on-line Java Course
The Free Builder Project
Kanchenjunga: Java RAD Tool - possibly dead?
Java WebIDE - a complete Java IDE in a Web page!
IBM Aglets Workbench - Home Page

Thank you

Simon Brooke,
Internet Business Servbices Consulting